The Confluence of Story + Sustainability

Nowadays the dystopian worlds of THE HANDMAID’S TALE, MINORITY REPORT, and BLADE RUNNER feel less fictional by the minute. There’s some relief in thinking “well, at least our reality isn’t that bad...” Those scripted universes are primarily centered around geo-political upheaval, uninhabitable landscapes and societal collapse.

Never in our lifetime, right? Think again.

The weight of impending doom is suffocating in 2022 - yet hope and optimism persist. Our collective consciousness is focused on the 100 corporations responsible for 70% of global emissions - the same businesses setting us on course for the experiential version of WATERWORLD that nobody asked for.

I suspect each of the titles referenced above elicit an immediate internal response from you, dear reader. There’s nothing like the power of story to influence emotion, lighting a fire under the Vox Populi. When it comes to longevity of life on our planet, it’s a tricky business with Chevron spending millions to craft the completely wrong narrative about fossil fuels, supported by PR firms like Edelman who are happy to cash checks regardless of long-term consequences.

On the flip side - Netflix released DON’T LOOK UP in December, Adam McKay’s brilliant satire of our global climate crisis, to millions of eager eyeballs. The film currently holds the record for the most viewing hours of a movie in a single week in Netflix’s history. DON’T LOOK UP has firmly planted itself in the cultural zeitgeist. Consumers are fired up (no pun intended) on the climate crisis, and they’re out for the blood of corporations who aren’t doing their part.

In the future every company will be a climate-focused organization. Each step of the supply chain, no matter the industry, will be forcefully cognizant of carbon footprint. Until that happens, as a business owner, your objective is to make sustainability more than a buzzword or a greenwashed marketing ploy in your day to day operations.

How? Identify the common ground that brings your customers together - the true problem you’re solving for folks engaging with your product. Focus on creating a place of shared passion and community. Content infused with great storytelling drives your community into purposeful action - the beating heart of your brand.

Finding your storytelling niche is the next logical step (spoiler alert - you don’t need an Oscar winning writer / director on your org chart to do this). Start simply and honestly. What stories can you tell around your current manufacturing footprint? What are your 1 year, 5 year, and 10 year goals when it comes to sustainability? Be transparent about these core objectives, and recognize that Patagonia wasn’t built in a day. Be committed to small improvements that compound over time, and recognize that every facet of your business isn’t going to be perfect.

Share those stories with your community, make them a part of the journey, and you’ll be shocked at the dialogue and action that transpires.


Regrounding the Front Line


The Fire Within Us